Drone practice over Kalvøya!

I keep learning about the drone.

Even if my drone, the DJI Mavic Pro, is pretty easy to fly, it is important to practice and learn all its functions and features.

These pictures are taken during two trips to Kalvøya (Calf Island) in Sandvika, Norway. A small island in the inner Oslofjord connected to land by a narrow bridge. The first trip was taken during daytime, and the second one in the evening.

Still newbie

I still haven’t piloted the drone very far from where I stand. I usually take it straight up and down. This time I even flew over water as you can see by the pictures. I hear people say it’s an unwise thing to do since water and reflections can disturb the sensors, but at high altitudes, I don’t think it matters. What do you think?

Here are the pictures from the two practice trips. The photos are ok, but I still need to hunt for more interesting subjects.

See you in my next post when I fly across some railroad tracks.

The bridge connecting land to Kalvøya (Calf Island)

The bridge connecting land to Kalvøya (Calf Island)

The different paths you can choose to walk around the island.

The different paths you can choose to walk around the island.

Two pilots and the statue outside Bærum Kajakklubb.

Two pilots and the statue outside Bærum Kajakklubb.

View towards Kadettangen and Sandvika with Kolsåstoppen in the back.

View towards Kadettangen, Boblehallen and Sandvika with Kolsåstoppen in the back.

Kadettangen where they build a new beachpark.

Kadettangen where they build a new beachpark.

The tiny island Kalvøykalven.

The tiny island Kalvøykalven.

Sitting on a bench flying my drone.

Sitting on a bench flying my drone.

A boat in the Oslofjord.

A boat in the Oslofjord.

It's getting dark. Time to go home.

It’s getting dark. Time to go home.

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