My own drone videos

These videos are also found on my YouTube channel together with my product reviews and unboxings. Remember to subscribe! Thanks.

Second World War bunkers at the beach Løkken, Furreby, Denmark 2019 – 4K Drone footage

Read more in the article: Drone footage of concrete bunkers from the Second World War!

Abandoned Lighthouse – Rubjerg Knude Fyr Denmark 2019 – Drone 4K photography

Read more in the article: Rubjerg Knude Fyr – An abandoned lighthouse in Denmark that soon will be gone!

DJI Mavic Pro 4K video of Rondane, Streitlien, and Streitkampen in Norway

The Car Cemetery in Båstnäs – 4K Drone Photography

Read more here: Drone pictures of Båstnäs Car Cemetery!