Drone pictures of medieval St. Margaret’s Church!

Early morning drone flight over an old church ruin.

Short post this time. I had an idea that the top view of the walls of a church ruin north of Oslo would look cool. It is, in fact, the ruins of a medieval stone church, over 768 years old.

Often photography ideas that pop up in my head look better there than in real life. In my mind, I imagined a very low morning sun casting long shadows through the door openings of the old stone walls. I wanted warm tones and a soothing feeling over the shot.

I managed to get to the ruin quite early before work. The sunrise was ok, but not as I had anticipated. Too many clouds and no shadows. In the end, the shot didn’t end up quite as expected, but it is still an interesting place.

Maybe I’ll try again another day.

Read: DJI Tello Review – Is it the perfect beginner drone?

St. Margaret’s Church

If you are a little bit interested in history, like me, here is a quick lesson.

The church ruin is called St. Margaret’s Church, or Margaretakirken in Norwegian. It was built around 1250 in the 13th century, during the medieval ages. The stone walls that is left is located in Maridalen north of Oslo, close to the northern end of lake Maridalsvannet.

The church is named after Margaret of Antioch. Architect and archaeologist Gerhard Fischer led the restoration in 1934 of the partially demolished church. Today it is counted as the best preserved medieval building in Oslo next to the Old Aker Church. Here are pictures from a trip to the medieval silver mines and beer halls under Old Aker Church.

Each summer, historic games are organized in the ruins as well as Olsok, and Pentecost celebrations.

Thanks for any comments and shares.

Drone picture of "Kirkeruinene i Maridalen"

Drone picture of “Kirkeruinene i Maridalen”

The West wall of the St. Margaret's Church

The West wall of the St. Margaret’s Church

The East wall with the small chamber

The East wall with the small chamber

Low angle picture of the "Margaretakirken" church ruins

Low angle picture of the “Margaretakirken” church ruins

Early sunrise

Early sunrise


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Here is one of the pictures posted on Flickr.

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