11 Mesmerizing drone pictures of trees from above!

Successful drone photography trip to the forest.

I charged my drone, emptied my memory card, filled my water bottle and took a bicycle ride to the huge forest north of the capital – Bærumsmarka.

The ride took me from Fossum, past Østernvann, past Åbortjernet, and to Triungsvann. On the way, I stopped at several locations and launched up my Mavic Pro. I experienced some close calls during the trip.

The runners

On a narrow road, almost a path, branched from the main road in the dense forest I had my flying camera high above me taking pictures. A few bicyclists and a runner hurried past me without looking. Suddenly a woman stopped just a few meters behind me and stood there for a while. I told her it was safe to pass, in case she was afraid of the drone. She told me she was waiting for a bunch of youths running a race through the woods.

Wow… I thought I was alone in this remote location! I realized I yet hadn’t thought myself to land the drone in my hand so I had to land the drone back on the road… before the runners came by. I quickly pulled the left joystick down and I managed to land and pack my backpack just in time to see the lead runner around the corner.

I have to learn how to launch and land the drone from my hands!

Article idea: 4 Recommended DJI Drone Joystick Protectors and 1 to Avoid!

The ammo bunker

I took another detour from the road and found a concrete door in a small hill. It was an ammunition bunker. I remembered this place from when I was little and I stopped by to see if it was still there. I thought I would find an abandoned place, but instead, I found a live site with camera surveillance.

I have no idea what was inside, and I didn’t go very close to the door. Very remote… very strange.

Next stop… Triungsvann.

The sacred water

Triungsvann is a nature reserve. It is an absolutely beautiful and pristine area with wilderness. I stepped off my bike and walked into the forest, just to get closer to the beautiful water. A thin layer of fog hovered just above the surface.

Since the area is a nature reserve it means that it is illegal to fly drones here. It can disturb wildlife. I respected that of course and didn’t launch the drone inside the borders of the reserve. I took a few pictures above a curved horseshoe road which was just on the outside of the border.

On my way back I stopped at Åbortjern and flew a bit over the treetops taking straight down shots. A passing bicyclist asked me if I was ok. Maybe I looked a bit strange standing in the road looking down at the controller the helmet on my head and my bike on the ground.

I also managed to hit a branch while launching the drone the second time…. ALWAYS check what’s above the drone when taking off in the dense forest. 😉 Nobody saw that… puh. Time to go home.

I was happy with the pictures this time. What do you think? Share if you like them! Read my terms of use if you want to use my pictures. Here are pictures from one of my other trips to the forest, The hidden lake without fish, but with an old wooden pier!

Road next to Åbortjern

Road next to Åbortjern

Awesome autumn colors on the trees. I'm standing on the road next to the water.

Awesome autumn colors on the trees. I’m standing on the road next to the water.

The top secret ammunition bunker.

The top-secret ammunition bunker.



Water and trees. The surface almost looks like the sky.

Water and trees. The surface almost looks like the sky.

Triungsvann Nature Reserve - outside the borders of course.

Triungsvann Nature Reserve – outside the borders of course.

Before the runners came...

Before the runners came…

I have to take more of these treetop pictures. The height is crucial to get the right perspective.

I have to take more of these treetop pictures. The height is crucial to get the right perspective.

Small road in Bærumsmarka.

Small road in Bærumsmarka.

"I'm ok, mister strange bicycle guy."

“I’m ok, mister strange bicycle guy.”



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  1. Rick February 1, 2018
    • andreas February 2, 2018
  2. Jill February 1, 2018
    • andreas February 1, 2018
  3. sarah February 1, 2018
    • andreas February 1, 2018
  4. Peter February 1, 2018
    • andreas February 1, 2018
  5. Kenny February 20, 2018
    • andreas February 20, 2018

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